kitchen table in an apartment
A group of friends with intellectual disabilities happy and laughing
Volunteering in the Farm Cafe

In our first meeting with clients, either in person or by phone, we gather an overview of the most pressing issues, as well as evaluations, school reports, etc. We establish goals with the family and determine if there is a need for additional research or professional assessments. Once a course of action has been agreed upon, we work closely with the client to select the best options.

Our clients range from those who are just starting to document disability status to those well established in a life with supported housing, employment, and recreational activities, but just need some adjustments. We help clients envision and plan ahead for their evolving situations and needs.


young man with wheelbarrow

Site visits can include the following:

Vocational and recreational sites
Provider agencies

Other services:

Preparing packages for government service agencies
Selecting a Care Coordination Organization
Reaching out to housing agencies
Following up on applications
Finding additional expertise for specific problems

For those looking to base their long-term solutions in the private sector, we can inform on issues like caretakers, real estate, and grants for creating housing. We, however, are not real estate brokers or property managers.

We establish specific tasks and stay in close contact with our clients as we work on their needs. Sometimes a restructuring of the original plan is necessary. Some situations get resolved efficiently and quickly; other times, there are considerable obstacles, and the process is more complicated. As the family becomes more informed and sees different options, goals evolve. If the client wishes to become more active in the work we have been doing for them, we can consider a reduced advisory role.  At all times we want what is best for the individual and family.

Ultimately, the client needs to have a rapport with programs and services agencies that can ensure long term, constructive relationships independent of us.

We work with a contract, respect confidentiality, and request waivers for dialogue with outside parties. Fees arrangements are discussed privately. While we work to achieve the goals we have agreed upon with our clients, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. We advise our clients based on experience and expertise and work with them to find or create a placement that is appropriate where the individual can make progress toward their potential. Our contracts are not based on specific results but are ongoing consulting agreements which envision a collaborative relationship with clients. They can be terminated at any time.

While we are not attorneys nor providing legal advice, nor accountants or providing financial advice, we are willing to work closely with our clients’ financial and legal advisors as requested.